Book directly with our official website, and we will give you free internet WiFi

Hotel San Giorgio****
Viale Garibaldi, 34
00053 Civitavecchia - Roma (Italia)
Tel +39.0766.5991
Fax +39.0766.599230
email: info@sangiorgiohotel.biz
Viale Garibaldi, 34
00053 Civitavecchia - Roma (Italia)
Tel +39.0766.5991
Fax +39.0766.599230
email: info@sangiorgiohotel.biz
Long Term Parking
The San Giorgio Hotel allows guests to leave their car at the hotel before leaving on a cruise. The car will be kept in the hotel's private parking with video surveillance, to allow our guests to go on a cruise without having to worry about their car. In order to guarantee the security of the car, we will keep the car Keys in our safe and the car will non be mouved for any reason